Berimbau & Capoeira Music

In Capoeira Antiga classes in Beckenham, music is an integral part of the practice. The main instrument used in Capoeira is the berimbau, a single-string percussion instrument that looks like a bow with a gourd resonator. The berimbau is played with a stick and a coin or stone, and is used to set the tempo and rhythm for the game of Capoeira.

Playing the berimbau can be beneficial for personal development in a number of ways. Some possible benefits include:

  • Musical skills: Playing the berimbau requires coordination and timing, and can help develop musical skills such as rhythm, melody, and improvisation.
  • Physical coordination: Playing the berimbau involves using the hands and arms to hold and play the instrument, which can help improve coordination and dexterity.
  • Focus and concentration: Playing the berimbau requires concentration and focus, as the player must pay attention to the rhythm and the movements of the game.
  • Cultural appreciation: Learning to play the berimbau can provide insight into the cultural and historical significance of the instrument and its role in the tradition of Capoeira.

The berimbau is accompanied by other instruments, such as the pandeiro (tambourine), atabaque (drum), agogĂ´ (double bells), and reco-reco or dikanza (scrapper of Angolan origins). These instruments, along with singing and clapping, create a lively and energetic soundscape for the game of Capoeira.

In addition to providing a rhythmic foundation for the game, the music of Capoeira has cultural and historical significance. Many of the songs and rhythms used in Capoeira have roots in African traditions and were used as a way for enslaved Africans in Brazil to communicate and preserve their cultural heritage.

Learning the music of Capoeira can be an important part of cultural education in Capoeira Antiga cand the best way to learn Portuguese. It can also be a fun and rewarding way to develop musical skills and appreciation.

If music is your passion come and try all these in Beckenham Capoeira Antiga classes.

Musical workshops are available on demand, just let us know.

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