Instructor Indyana Kubata

My name is Helder Martins and I have started Capoeira back in 1993 in Carcavelos, Portugal, in the old fire station.

My friend and neighbour Carlos, now known as Mestre Ataaré da Costa brought me into this, along with Nelson Barros, now President of the Portuguese Capoeira Federation.

Both myself and my cousin known as China, joined this new thing back in the day, that was a dancing fighting thing from Africa and Brazil.

Sounded about right, there was music, rhythm, kicks, acrobatics, camaraderie, new friends, lots of fun and challenges. It was under the supervision and teachings of Monitor Abidula (now Master Abidula) that Grupo Rum was formed and I was introduced to Capoeira.

I was given the name Indyana, because I’ve always been adventurous and just like Indiana Jones any new adventure I was ready for it.

Outside of Capoeira, being a Postgraduate in Marketing & Business Intelligence, moved to London to work in specialized Recruitment where I’ve been very successful for the past 12 years.

The way I like it is simply living my life by holding my head up high, a smile on my face, and simple things like good morning, hello, please and thank you, that makes a huge difference and doesn’t hurt when you give it and feels good to who’s receiving it. Respect, courtesy, amicability and honour are qualities I admire and they’re never old-fashioned.
My motto – “Be Prepared” as thought by Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell with the aim of leaving the world a better place.  In short treat others as you would like to be treated.

My predominant strength is my combination of steadiness with assertiveness and an ability to motivate others. Always show commendable patience in listening to queries and opinions. This congenial approach encourages others to seek advice from me. My deliberate, persistent attitude hides a stubborn determination to achieve results.

My favourite capoeira movement is Meialua and a Benção is also a kick that when well unfolded makes me happy to see.

Capoeira’s reference would have to be Besouro Mangangá, the dude was just unbeatable.

My proudest moment in Capoeira would be my first graduation in 94 and founding Kubata da Capoeira Antiga which makes me live my dream!

Favourite songs ladaínha is Ás vezes me chamam de negro. Corrido, Besouro Preto (Santo Amaro).

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