Our Mission

Kubata da Capoeira Antiga is dedicated to bringing the art of Capoeira to people of all ages, genders, and religions. At Kubata da Capoeira Antiga, the mission is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where anyone can learn and appreciate the cultural and historical traditions of Capoeira.

At Kubata da Capoeira Antiga, we believe that Capoeira has the power to bring people together and foster a sense of community. That’s why we are dedicated to bringing the art of Capoeira to the local community in Beckenham and South East London to provide a welcoming space where people can come together to learn and practice.

In Beckenham, Capoeira classes are open to children, women, men, and people of all levels of experience. The goal is to provide a space where everyone can come together to learn, practice, and enjoy the benefits of this unique martial art. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you are welcome to join us and discover the joys of Capoeira.

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